The Questions....

Purpose. It is the "why" of why we do what we do. What is your purpose for having a business? What is your purpose for the effort you are willing to spend on your business? What is your payoff for a job well done?
Does your business meet your personal goals? Does your level of commitment to success outweigh your desire to stay the same? Professional sales personnel know that everything begins with a sell as Mary Kay Ashe would say. What are you selling? What are you buying? Are you accepting products into your life that are not the ones you were choosing? Have you committed to learning the processes that will directly affect your sales outcomes?
One of the purposes of is to provide soft-sell training that when learned will directly affect sales personnel's outcomes in their daily goals. It is my hope and my privilege to help thousands of individuals a year reach their goals and fulfill the purposes they forsaw when beginning their sales careers. What is your purpose? Helping others? Providing security for your family? Sharing excellent products or services? Connecting people to the products they need?
Isn't that purpose worth learning and practicing the skills to obtain the outcomes you seek?

