The Advantage of Opportunity!!!!!!

This last week I was in Hawaii, and I was truly blessed with its beauty and the experience I had while speaking there. One of the astounding parts of traveling to be with so many audiences is that you learn to truly enjoy seeing the "teachable ness" of a participant. One of my greatest joys is when someone who has come to my seminars or individual coaching sessions realizes the "Advantage of Opportunity" that is...the realization that if the person chooses to learn the skills necessary to change their outcomes, that they truly have the advantage....that opportunity is theirs with the commitment to learning the skills. We are so blessed here in America to be allowed to be in free enterprise, we are allowed what skills we learn and what businesses we own. The "Advantage of Opportunity" was never clearer to my audiences than in Hawaii with the group I was speaking in front of a group they were.... ready, willing, and present to learn!!!

What opportunities are you passing by because you aren't choosing to do what you know to do? What skills are you aware of, but haven't committed to learning that will completely change your outcomes? Are you teachable? Do you believe that you have the ability to learn? Do you believe learning the skills that work for thousands of others will work for you? Of course they will! Make a commitment to yourself, let go of what ever it is that is holding you back, drop your past like a hot potatoe and make today a NEW day and examine what you are truly DOING today to reach your goals. I bet that if you refocus through the "Advantage of Opportunity" of using the skills or learning the skills you need to accomplish your goals, I know you'll see the outcomes you're seeking begin to line up with your goals!

