What is your planned outcome?

When you begin a task, a job, or an event what do you plan to happen? If you are mopping a floor, what are the steps to making sure the mopped floor is shining at the end? What were the steps to getting the shiny floor? Did it require sweeping? Did it require removing what was on the floor? Did it require clean water and a mop? A Swifter? Several buckets of water? What did you envision when you imagined the end of the task?
Planning for outcomes means taking time to realize what the goals are. Are you choosing goals that lead to income development, or simply an organized office space? Do your activities for your business include money making opportunities or organizational operations? What does your business need you to do first?
There are steps to successful sales outcomes, some of them small and seemingly unimportant, others more obvious. (you have to see, phone, mail, talk to, or interact with a client to manage a sell) There are also many steps that take time, seem to be valid, but simply never lead to a successful sales outcome.
Which are you focusing on today, what is your planned outcome for your actions today?

