How Long is Long Enough???

Have you ever met someone who has focused so focused on their past failures that they cannot move forward to their present success? They replay the conversations, disappointments, their failures in their heads so often one might think it was a television show stuck on a static rerun that blocks their ability to attend to TODAY. What does that do for their future?????

old TV Pictures, Images and Photos

So many times if we'd just take the time to "clean house" mentally of what we're telling ourselves and replace those lines with new goals, new affirmations, and new scripts....WOW...what a difference that alone would make!!!
If we told a child over and over and over again what they didn't do, would it encourage them to do differently the next day? Why would you treat yourself any differently or your staff or team members???

Doing ...........that is what counts. Doing..........the ACTION steps of what you accomplish in a day.........DOING......have you taken a pause to think exactly about what you are DOING in your business....there's alot of talk about appointments, classes, demonstrations, follow up, coaching a client, but if you checked your date book, what is it saying about exactly what you are DOING to accomplish those things?
How long should you feel guilty, ashamed, embarassed, pained, about your past? I believe right up until yesterday was LONG ENOUGH. Today is a new day, do new things, choose new thoughts, and DO what you know to do to make today count for your business!!! I know you can and can't wait to hear of your success!!!))

