True Stories…

I love to hear true stories of clients who come to my seminars and “get it”….well…..I think most people in attendance “get it” but what happens after the seminar is truly what determines a person’s success or relative acceleration or stagnation where he/she is. The what happens “after” is the determiner of the future growth of his/her success. 

The difference between owning and skill and appreciating a skill is whether or not one will put in the personal practice for 21 days until he/she has acquired the words and scripts as their own.  So many times, someone leaves my seminars and has immediate success with using new words and scripts for a few days, but on the fifth day they “forget” that what made the change was taking the time to make the calls, spend the time going over the scripts, and somehow those activities are set aside…pretty soon, they aren’t working full circle, they are discouraged, and they are wondering why it isn’t working ….but a quick Business M R I would reveal that their datebook tells the tale…..a healthy datebook shows 3-5 parties booked per week, a healthy datebook shows 12-20 classes HELD per month, and not alot of time blocked out for appointments and executive action items….contrary to popular held theory, executives of successful companies work as hard or harder than their employees….they just work smarter….and the main thing is they just.keep.working.

One of the things that I love about scripts is that they are no respecter of persons. Soft-sales skills are not dependent upon age, beauty, IQ, or height….they are simply dependent upon learning the skills and using them.  In my seminars participants often hear “Your DQ is more important than your IQ” and I believe it. The daily discipline quotient to consistently DO what you are supposed to DO is much  more important than your intelligent quotient.  There is 100% probability that you won’t receive the booking if you never make the booking call.  There is 100% probability that you will not close the class if you don’t hold one.  There is absolutely a stronger chance of higher sales with six to eight clients listening to the presentation than if there is one….and sales personnel will always succeed more successfully if they see 18-24 clients per week than if they only see 3 clients individually per week.

It’s a true story…..those who choose to use their DQ to learn the scripts will see more results than those who spend more time using their IQ to say “this isn’t quite me” and never quite get around to doing the activities that produce income. Those who set their goals and then do the discipline steps to accomplish them will succeed. Sometimes we all have to give ourselves another 24 hours to get a goal done, but success always comes with those who choose to learn the discipline to make it happen…..and that, as I like to say,  is a true story.

