Is Your Income about to Improve???

Your income will improve incrementally as your "Teachability Index" rises. What is my "Teachability Index?" you ask??? Your Teachability Index is your:

1) Openness to acknowledging that successful sales outcomes can be enhanced by exposure to and procurement of skills that can be mastered.
2) The willingness to RECEIVE specific instruction and commit to practicing the new skills until they are mastered.
3) A willingness to ACT on the received new "Core-Skills" and to utilize, rehearse, and role-play the new scripts and skills until they are a natural part of your presentation repetoire.
4) A willingness after receiving and mastering skills to ACT and use the new sales skills in your presentations.
5) A willingness to receive evaluative assistance from those professionals in your inner circle who have already mastered and utilize successful "Core-Skills" of selling and can help you identify areas of growth and areas of proficiency.
Sales success and increases in income are dependent upon your "Teachability Index" and continual study of the most efficient and outcomes successful methods of soft-sells presentations. Those who do what they have always done will continue to receive what they have always gotten, however....

......those sales professionals who choose to actively seek to be open to learning and willing to receive sales instruction and advance their Core-Skills will receive and achieve continual growth and increase in their sales outcomes!!!

